Rocking The Boat

I was terrified of the boat–a 57-foot-long narrowboat that topped out at four miles per hour. Admittedly, it was hardly the stuff of wild adventure travel.

But I have Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS), a rare neurological issue that causes the sufferer to feel like they’re constantly floating, bouncing or walking on a trampoline. In most cases, it’s initiated by a cruise or some sort of travel. In other circumstances—like mine– the symptoms can come on spontaneously. Depending upon the severi

Beer without the buzz? Athletic Brewing Co. in Connecticut makes only non-alcoholic craft brews - The Boston Globe

In a time where one of the biggest concerns in the craft brew industry is the fear of market saturation, location is critical for new ventures. The town of Stratford, Conn., is no exception. In a five-mile radius, there are four craft breweries, including the nationally renowned Two Roads Brewing Co., currently working on a major expansion. It would almost seem crazy to add another taproom to the mix. Unless, of course, you could offer something truly unique.

That, in fact, is what Athletic Bre

Giving pie the side-eye: How an heirloom apple pie won me over - The Boston Globe

It’s mid-October in Vermont and the air is crisper than a glass of cold apple cider. Perhaps it’s this fresh fall air that caused me to oversleep this morning. I thought I had set my alarm for 8 a.m., but alas, I awoke just before 9, so now I must scramble to get myself together before heading to Scott Farm, located in Dummerston, just north of Brattleboro. I’m going to participate in an Heirloom Apple Pie class.

Let me state for the record that I hate apple pie. It’s not so much the pie part a

Shock Factor: How Exercise Could Lead To Heart Attacks

It’s pretty safe to say that when most people start nearing middle age, they begin to reassess their level of fitness. Some were smart and kept up an exercise regimen throughout their 20s and 30s. But the rest of us, well, once we started to look a little rounder and older, it was only then that we began to think about proactive health.

It’s tempting to want to dive in head-first to exercise.  Spinning class at 8 a.m. followed by boot camp? You’re there! Not so fast, say some researchers.

In o

The Health Digest - All Work, No Play? Here’s How To Overcome Work Anxiety

It’s happening again. You’re sitting at your desk, staring at the computer, surrounded by stacks of papers. Maybe you’re on a deadline or maybe it’s just that there’s So. Much. To. Do.

Anxiety isn’t fun. In fact, it can be downright terrifying. We’ve all heard the stories of people who thought they were having a heart attack, only to be sent home from the ER with a prescription to take a chill pill. So what can you do when you feel the anxiety monster starting to creep up behind you when you’re